Thursday, April 3, 2014

Firstfruit Offering - Key to Abundance

We are in the season of some of Israel's feasts.  Coming shortly is the Passover season. The Passover pictures the sacrifical lamb slain and the blood placed over the doorposts. It is this feast that pictures the final sacrifice for sins.. Jesus Christ. It also pictures Christ's resurrection as the first of a new kind of resurrected body from the dead. 50 days later follows the Feast of Pentecost or the feast of Firstfruits.  Firstfruit pictures the offering Israel gave to guarantee the final harvest or 2nd harvest.  It was the first of the blessing of that years harvest as a meal offering, burnt offering, drink offerings and was gleaned and given to the priests. The tithe of the 2nd harvest given in a later feast was given to the Levites.  Why is this important? Jesus Christ is called the "High Priest and apostle of our confession" in Hebrews. The apostolic ministry today aligns with the high priestly ministry of the Old Testament. The key for businesses to come into abundance is to align with credible apostolic present ministries that are reaching the world.  A divine protection comes over businesses that align and bring the firstfruit offering. I can already attest to this working in a big way in one business that responded when I challenged them to make a firstfruit offering and they ended up receiving God's enormous blessing.  Find a credible apostolic ministry that you can begin to partner with. Plant firstfruit offerings in that ministry and watch what God can do. The early church laid their money at the apostles feet and every need was met in the entire church including the widows and orphans! It says that no one lacked anything they needed. That says something about God's provision and the way the biblical pattern works. I encourage you to do what Proverbs 3:9 says , "Honor the Lord with the firstfruits of all your wealth".  God will open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing and your vats will overflow with new wine!
                                            Video teaching - The Firstfruit offering


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